DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE Director Shawn Levy's STAR WARS Movie Gets An Exciting Update - Will Daisy Ridley Appear? (2025)

AnEye - 1/15/2025, 9:38 AM

Yeah, I doubt it's going to start filming anytime soon.

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Batmangina - 1/15/2025, 9:39 AM

Nobody gives a [frick] about Star Wars movies anymore and they give EVEN LESS [frick]S about Daisy Ridley.

PLEASE spend $250M on this...I'M BEGGING YOU.

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slickrickdesigns - 1/15/2025, 10:19 AM

@Batmangina - apparently, a lot of people care about Star Wars, you can tell how you are whining about it that you actually care about it.

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Batmangina - 1/15/2025, 10:38 AM

@slickrickdesigns - Yes. I have a lifelong fondness for the OT and the OG stuff from my childhood.

The DEI dumpster fire they turned Star Wars into while trying to make it a Disney Princess Brand is total [frick]ing garbage and the idea that a Mary Sue Skywalker movie is anticipated by anyone is [frick]ing laughable.

It used to be great. Then it was good. Now it is total dogshit.

You are more than welcome to display your Rose Tico and Rey action figures along with your black chick from Obi Wan lightsaber 24/7, I'll take a hard pass.

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Gabimaru - 1/15/2025, 11:24 AM

@slickrickdesigns - I used to, and i still have fond memories with the anticipation in the force awakens. it's just pure joy but then the movie came.

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slickrickdesigns - 1/15/2025, 12:54 PM

@Batmangina - Get over it dude. Nothing will ever be like it was when we were young. You probably like things more when you were young because you were more open minded to new things .
If you can’t like things because of a woman lead film or because a person of color is in a lead role then maybe you need to just take a look at why you feel like that way rather than hate just because your favorite white male character isn’t a the main character anymore.
Just saying we live in an age where we get so much decent content and some people refuse to give it a chance based on racial or sexual bias. Maybe you’d like things more if you literally stopped being so damn discriminatory.
Not saying you have to like everything but you can change your reasoning to quality of product and not packaging. If you said the Rey story’s were bad I’d agree, they were horribly plots. If you said you don’t like the character because the dumb actions or decisions they make in the story I can agree with you. If you’re going to hate something then hate it for better reasons than race or sex because otherwise you come off ignorant.
Hope you take this as a productive conversation and not just an attack on your beliefs.
Good luck.

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Batmangina - 1/15/2025, 2:51 PM

@slickrickdesigns - If you can’t like things because of a woman lead film or because a person of color is in a lead role then maybe you need to just take a look at why you feel like that way rather than hate just because your favorite white male character isn’t a the main character anymore.

This is the most played out dollar bin psych eval copy and paste of the last decade and it has zero credibility at this point. Your DEI content has lost more than a BILLION dollars.

If it was so good, wouldn't all of those marginalized folks go see it repeatedly?

Why are there metric tons of merch in the .99 bins?

Shitty things are made with BIPOCs in the lead role. Full stop.

Get over your pseudo psych moral high ground and grow a [frick]ing backbone - also, stop shortcutting to the default answer that just so happens to give you a sense of moral outrage - it makes you look incapable of independent thought.

That paragraph you just wrote could be the ad copy under a Ewan McGregor crying in his car video or that dingbat from The Acolyte's 'Diss Track' LOL

PS: I don't take is as an attack on anything - like Kobe said 'Boos don't block shots' Disney is in the toilet and I'm here for it.

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ObserverIO - 1/15/2025, 9:45 AM

Love Daisy Ridley. But Rey? From the sequels? What are you gonna call it Star Wars - Episode X: Fan PTSD?!

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Clintthahamster - 1/15/2025, 9:50 AM

@ObserverIO - I'd love to think a fresh creative team could do something interesting with the character. Fingers crossed!

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ObserverIO - 1/15/2025, 11:57 AM

@Clintthahamster - I'd actually love it if Fav and Filoni got more into setting up those sequel elements with the Mandoverse. They've already got into the remnants of the Empire making clones, they should dive more fully into it and make the sequels make more sense. Give the story a proper flow.

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Clintthahamster - 1/15/2025, 12:07 PM

@ObserverIO - Generally, I'm really glad that they're spending so much time on the time between RotJ and TFA, but I think they're going to have to bite the bullet and recast Luke, Leia, and Han sometime soon. I thought Ehrenreich was fine as Han, and Billie Lourd is born to be Leia (literally!) Luke will be tougher to get right. I just really want to know more about what happened during those dark years, and I haven't found the comics to be particularly compelling so far.

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ObserverIO - 1/15/2025, 12:32 PM

@Clintthahamster - Sebastian Stan for Luke.

But I hope before they recast them all we get one more bite at the nostalgia apple and see Luke, Leia, Han and Lando together again using the same technology they used on Luke in Mando and Boba Fett.

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Clintthahamster - 1/15/2025, 1:47 PM

@ObserverIO - I think Stan's a little old for Luke, at least if they're picking up from just after RotJ. If they were doing the period just before he bailed on the new temple, I could see it for sure.

"I hope before they recast them all we get one more bite at the nostalgia apple and see Luke, Leia, Han and Lando together again using the same technology they used on Luke in Mando and Boba Fett."

Oh man, I wish I could agree. I found Luke's appearances to be off-putting and distracting, especially in BoBF. I just don't think the technology's there yet. MAYBE if Hamill could still do the younger voice, but the combo of CG face and AI voice was a bridge to far for me.

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ObserverIO - 1/15/2025, 2:24 PM

@Clintthahamster - If they do it in a movie they could throw some more money at it maybe.

But you're right, the AI voice and the younger actor they used weren't as authentic as I would have liked. I would have appreciated if they used more of Hamill's actual face and voice, even if it belied his age a little more.

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bobevanz - 1/15/2025, 9:47 AM

I wish someone would round up all the fake scoopers and rocket them into space

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harryba11zack - 1/15/2025, 9:48 AM

DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE Director Shawn Levy's STAR WARS Movie Gets An Exciting Update - Will Daisy Ridley Appear? (17)

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Clintthahamster - 1/15/2025, 9:48 AM

I guess I'll just stop clicking on Wilding articles altogether. I'd already stopped clicking on anything that said "LEAK" or "RUMOR" or "SPOILER" in the headline, but now he's burying leaks and rumors under headlines like "An Exciting Update" or "It Has Been Revealed." Stop wasting my time, Wilding!
DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE Director Shawn Levy's STAR WARS Movie Gets An Exciting Update - Will Daisy Ridley Appear? (19)

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bkmeijer1 - 1/15/2025, 9:53 AM

@Clintthahamster - it's really annoying indeed. Sometimes it says "reportedly" which also means it's just a rumour. Think I'm gonna have to add "revealed" and questions to that as well

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bkmeijer1 - 1/15/2025, 9:51 AM

I think they should either commit to a threequel trilogy, or stop doing these spin-off movies until they are ready to do so.

If they do it now, just have Kimberg produce with Obaid-Chinoy, Levy and Waititi directing, while Favreau's, Filoni's and Jenkins' movies form an interquel trilogy.

Ofcourse my suggestion is the worst possible outcome. Prefer if they just stopped.

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TheVisionary25 - 1/15/2025, 9:55 AM

@bkmeijer1 - they are never gonna stop so let’s just throw that out and hope for the best when it comes to the projects that might happen.

The best way to to do that is if enough people stop watching but that’s not gonna happen because even the haters would still want to be in the conversation when we do get a new movie or show.

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bkmeijer1 - 1/15/2025, 10:01 AM

@TheVisionary25 - that's true. Star Wars is the ultimate pop culture product, so people will always consume it.

Think they could bring back that event-status back to it if they limit their output. One movie or show should be enough imo.

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TheVisionary25 - 1/15/2025, 10:03 AM

@bkmeijer1 - yeah but at this point , it’s not gonna happen atleast not right now

Even if we aren’t at the peak anymore , it’s still the age of the geek so those projects will remain at the forefront as much as possible which includes Star Wars

Maybe later down in the future it becomes like that but not right now.

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bkmeijer1 - 1/15/2025, 10:26 AM

@TheVisionary25 - it'll probably become like Star Trek. Think it still has tons of projects going, but it's really just part of the landscape now

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TheVisionary25 - 1/15/2025, 10:37 AM

@bkmeijer1 - yep

All these properties are which has its pros and cons

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TheVisionary25 - 1/15/2025, 9:51 AM

Cool if true!!.

I enjoy Levy’s work from what I’ve seen so I’m interested to see what he’s cooking up with his take on the SW franchise…

Also I know I’m probably in the minority on this site but I like Daisy Ridley as Rey (honestly think she was the best of the 3 heroes) so I also wouldn’t have minded seeing more of her in this aswell as the Obaid Chinoy film if that happens but oh well.

DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE Director Shawn Levy's STAR WARS Movie Gets An Exciting Update - Will Daisy Ridley Appear? (28)

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slickrickdesigns - 1/15/2025, 10:19 AM

If I was part of the creative team writing this I’d make it about the Skywalkers are actually a lineage prophecy in which their blood line will always bring balance to the force and if there are an overwhelming amount of Jedi the prophecy turns the skywalker to Sith to eliminate the over abundance of Jedi and if there are an abundance of Sith then it turns the Skywalker to a Jedi to eliminate the majority of Sith in The galaxy. This would explain how Anakin turned Sith to eliminate the Jedi and Luke turned Jedi to eliminate the sith.

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Clintthahamster - 1/15/2025, 2:34 PM

@slickrickdesigns - Oh shit, I'm usually not that into BIG LORE but that would actually be pretty dope.

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slickrickdesigns - 1/15/2025, 2:46 PM

@Clintthahamster - all it takes is one person to agree and I have done my job.

DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE Director Shawn Levy's STAR WARS Movie Gets An Exciting Update - Will Daisy Ridley Appear? (32)

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NOID - 1/15/2025, 11:57 AM

Just give me Andor season 2, Rian Trilogy and films that follow Luke after ROTJ and hire Sebastian Stan to play him… Or bring Kylo back from the dead and give him a trilogy…

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Clintthahamster - 1/15/2025, 12:12 PM

@NOID - DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE Director Shawn Levy's STAR WARS Movie Gets An Exciting Update - Will Daisy Ridley Appear? (35)

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slickrickdesigns - 1/15/2025, 2:48 PM

@NOID - I’m so down for a post ROTJ trilogy with Sebastian Stan as Luke.
It’s too good of an idea. Kathleen Kennedy would never do it.

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MakeAmericaGrea - 1/15/2025, 12:24 PM

Disney's masters want conservatives to leave the Star Wars fandom.

They want to punish conservatives.

They want to social engineer old and young and future generations into believing and loving The Message.

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MakeAmericaGrea - 1/15/2025, 12:27 PM

This is also why they purposefully messed up:
Indiana Jones
The Little Mermaid
The Lion King
Lady and the Tramp
Peter Pan
Buzz Lightyear
Snow White
Disney theme parks
And several other things.

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Clintthahamster - 1/15/2025, 2:37 PM

@MakeAmericaGrea - Willow was good, Alien: Romulus quadrupled its modest budget, and Prey is widely considered the best Predator film since the original.

I'll grant you that the rest of the films you mention stunk (the ones that have been released, anyway) but I'd be far more likely to appeal to Hanlon's razor on that point: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

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MR - 1/15/2025, 6:13 PM

Why can’t you just title this “article” “Director Shawn Levy's STAR WARS Movie Gets An Exciting Update - Will Daisy Ridley Appear?”?

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DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE Director Shawn Levy's STAR WARS Movie Gets An Exciting Update - Will Daisy Ridley Appear? (2025)
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