Last updated on Nov 18, 2024 at 01:28by Abide3 comments
This guide lists all the quests you can do in the Dire Maul dungeon:Alliance quests, Horde quests, class quests, profession quests, quests youneed to get before entering the dungeons, and quests you get inside thedungeons. The idea is to help you do all the quests in as few runs of the dungeonas possible.
For more information about the dungeon, please refer to our detailed Dire Maul hub, which containsguides for each wing.
Dire Maul has a huge number of quests that are spread throughout the 3 wingsof the dungeon, with many being available to both factions. There are also anumber of dungeon-specific quests, which include the Arcanum Enchant quests, whichaward items such as Arcanum of Focus, and the class book quests, whichaward class-specific versions of a trinket.
Below, you will find a list of the basic quests that can be completed in thewings of Dire Maul, as well as their level requirement and faction specification.
- North Wing Quests
H [56] Free Knot!
H [56] The Gordok Ogre Suit
H [56] Unfinished Gordok Business
- East Wing Quests
H [54] Lethtendris's Web / Lethtendris's Web
H [54] Pusillin and the Elder Azj'Tordin
H [56] Shards of the Felvine
H [60] Arcane Refreshment (Mage-only)
- West Wing Quests
H [56] The Madness Within
H [56] The Treasure of the Shen'dralar
A [60] Ancient Equine Spirit (Paladin-only)
H [60] Dreadsteed of Xoroth (Warlock-only)
- Arcanum Enchant Quests
H [54] Libram of Focus
H [54] Libram of Protection
H [54] Libram of Rapidity
- Class Book Quests
H [54] The Emerald Dream... (Druid-only)
H [54] The Greatest Race of Hunters (Hunter-only)
H [54] The Arcanist's Cookbook (Mage-only)
A [54] The Light and How To Swing It (Paladin-only)
H [54] Holy Bologna: What the Light Won't Tell You (Priest-only)
H [54] Garona: A Study on Stealth and Treachery (Rogue-only)
H [54] Frost Shock and You (Shaman-only)
H [54] Harnessing Shadows (Warlock-only)
H [54] Codex of Defense (Warrior-only)
To complete all of the quests in this dungeon, Alliance and Horde players willboth need to be at least Level 56, or Level 60 if they are completing a classquest.
Quel'Serrar Questline
The Quel'Serrar questline is available with the release of Dire Maul and, whileit mainly takes place in Onyxia's Lair, players will have to venture into DireMaul to obtain the sword.
Quel'Serrar Questline Guide
Dire Maul North Wing Quests
There are 3 quests for players to complete in the North Wing, all of which areavailable to both Alliance and Horde players. All of them are started inside thedungeon.
Neutral Quests in the West Wing
- Free Knot! (requires Level 56) — use the
Gordok Shackle Keyto free Knot Thimblejack. You will start this quest inside the dungeon,as well as hand it in to Knot inside, but it is important to note that you cannot create an Ogre costume after completing this unless a Leatherworker has thepattern.
- The Gordok Ogre Suit (requires Level 56) — bring 4
Bolt of Runecloth,8
Rugged Leather, 2
Rune Thread, and
Ogre Tannin toKnot Thimblejack. The reward from this quest is used in the Dire MaulTribute runs to complete a run with no captain kills.
- Unfinished Gordok Business (requires Level 56) — this questrequires you to retrieve the
Gauntlet of Gordok Might. In order to do so,you will need to complete the tribute in the North wing and pick up the quest fromCaptain Kromcrush, as well as obtain the buff from clearing the tribute:
King of the Gordok. Once you have the buff, go and killPrince Tortheldrin in the West wing. The gauntlet is in a chest behindhim.
Dire Maul East Wing Quests
There are a total of 4 quests for players in the East Wing, with 1 Mage-onlyquest.
Neutral Quests in the East Wing
There are 2 neutral quests in the East wing, which are as follows. They areboth started outside the instance.
- Lethtendris's Web / Lethtendris's Web (requires Level54) — kill Lethtendris and retrieve
Lethtendris's Web. Youcan pick up this quest from Latronicus Moonspear in Feralas, for theAlliance, and Talo Thornhoof in Feralas, for the Horde, at their respectivefaction hubs.
- Pusillin and the Elder Azj'Tordin (requires Level54) — head to Dire Maul and convince Pusillin to give you a book,
Book of Incantations. This quest is picked up in Feralas, at the LarissPavilion, from Azj'Tordin.
- Shards of the Felvine (requires Level 56) — killAlzzin the Wildshaper and use the
Reliquary of Purity to seala
Felvine Shard.
Pusillin and the Elder Azj'Tordin
Pusillin will run away from you until you eventually follow him deeperinto the instance. You will need to kill him, as well as the smaller imps thathe summons. Be very careful if you are doing this quest as an AoE-heavy class, asyou will likely pull aggro on the smaller imps.
Shards of the Felvine
This quest requires players to have already completedA Reliquary of Purity, which starts with Rabine Saturna inMoonglade. The dungeon quest is given by the same quest giver.
Class Quests in the East Wing
There is only 1 class quest in the East Wing, Arcane Refreshment forMages. This quest will allow them to learn their top rank of Conjure Water.
Lorekeeper Lydros gives Mages this quest and can be found in the Libraryof the instance. You will need to kill Hydrospawn, a boss in the EastWing, and loot the Hydrospawn Essence.
Dire Maul West Wing Quests
There are 2 neutral quests in the West wing, as well as 2 class quests, 1 forWarlocks and 1 for Paladins.
Neutral Quests in the West Wing
- The Madness Within (requires Level 56) — this quest requiresyou to kill 2 bosses in the West wing, Immol'thar and Prince Tortheldrin.You can pick this quest up inside the dungeon by speaking to the Shen'dralar Ancient.
- The Treasure of the Shen'dralar (requires Level 56) — this questis picked up after you return to Shen'dralar Ancient and hand inThe Madness Within. The Ancient will tell you to head back to theAthenaeum and loot the treasure found there.
Class Quests in the West Wing
Both of the class quests in this wing are from the epic mount questlines forWarlock and Paladin.
Dreadsteed of Xoroth is the Warlock quest in the West wing, which requiresyou to summon a Xorothian Dreadsteed and control it.
Mor'zul Bloodbringer will start this quest for players in the BurningSteppes, as long as they have the completed the rest of the chain up until thispoint. To start the epic mount questline, you will need to reach Level 60, andpick up the quest Mor'zul Bloodbringer from your Demon Trainer.
To summon a Xorothian Dreadsteed for this part of the questline, youwill need to buy J'eevee's Jar,
Xorothian Glyphs, and
Black Lodestonefrom Gorzeeki Wildeyes for a total of 250 gold. These 3 items will be usedto summon the dreadsteed.
Find a party and head to Dire Maul West, assuming you have the key already ora Rogue in the group, and clear the dungeon until after Immol'thar isdead. Your Warlock will then need to use these 3 items in the ring where Immol'thardied to start the summoning ritual.
When the ritual starts, J'eevee will place 3 items on the ground: abell, a wheel, and a candle. These items will help to protect your party whileyou fight the waves of demons, but they will need to be restored every time theyare destroyed with the Black Lodestone. This will cost Soul Shards, somake sure you have plenty in your bags.
Once the waves of demons stop, Xorothian Dreadsteed will join the fight.You will need to get it down to 50%, which will cause Lord Hel'nurath tospawn. Kill him before finishing off the dreadsteed to complete the quest andturn it in to the Dreadsteed Spirit.
Ancient Equine Spirit is part of the epic mount quest for Paladins,and requires you to get the barding blessed in the West Wing.
You will need to get the Manna-Enriched Horse Feed from Merideth Carlsonand take it to the West wing, along with
Arcanite Barding. After killingTendris Warpwood, this will free the Ancient Equine Spirit.Give it the horse feed to soothe the spirit, then ask for its blessing.
Arcanum Enchant Quests
There are 3 Arcanum Enchant quests, all of which require you to bring materialsto Lorekeeper Lydros in exchange for enchant items. You cannot completeany of these enchant quests if you have not already completedElven Legends/Elven Legends, which you can pick upinside the instance. You will need to interact with a pile of bones in the libraryand then return the quest to your faction's hub in Feralas.
Once this is done, you can hand in the enchant quests to Lydros in the library.The required materials and their rewards are as follows.
- Libram of Focus — requires
Libram of Focus,
Pristine Black Diamond, 4
Large Brilliant Shard, and 2
Skin of Shadow.This rewards
Arcanum of Focus.
- Libram of Protection — requires
Libram of Protection,2
Pristine Black Diamond, 2
Large Brilliant Shard, and a
Frayed Abomination Stitching. This rewards
Arcanum of Protection.
- Libram of Rapidity — requires
Libram of Rapidity,
Pristine Black Diamond, 2
Large Brilliant Shard, 2
Blood of Heroes. This rewards
Arcanum of Rapidity.
Class Book Quests
The class book quests are all started inside the instance by interacting withA Dusty Tome or by looting one of the books as a drop from any boss in theinstance.
Obtaining these books is essentially just luck and there is no guarantee thatyou will find it quickly. Simply farm the instance and, when you see a tome,interact with it.
If you do not want to wait, you can also buy the book on the Auction House,but prices may vary depending on the server.
- Druid — The Emerald Dream... from
The Emerald Dream
- Hunter — The Greatest Race of Hunters from
The Greatest Race of Hunters
- Mage — The Arcanist's Cookbook from
The Arcanist's Cookbook
- Paladin — The Light and How To Swing It from
The Light and How to Swing It
- Priest — Holy Bologna: What the Light Won't Tell You from
Holy Bologna: What the Light Won't Tell You
- Rogue — Garona: A Study on Stealth and Treachery from
Garona: A Study on Stealth and Treachery
- Shaman — Frost Shock and You from
Frost Shock and You
- Warlock — Harnessing Shadows from
Harnessing Shadows
- Warrior — Codex of Defense from
Codex of Defense
The quests each reward a variant of the same trinket. You can find the listof trinkets below.
- Druid —
Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas
- Hunter —
Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas
- Mage —
Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas
- Paladin —
Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas
- Priest —
Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas
- Rogue —
Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas
- Shaman —
Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas
- Warlock —
Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas
- Warrior —
Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas
Quest Rewards from Dire Maul
North Wing Quest Rewards
Item | Quest | Slot |
![]() | The Gordok Ogre Suit | Consumable (Tribute) |
![]() | Unfinished Gordok Business | Gloves |
![]() | Unfinished Gordok Business | Gloves |
![]() | Unfinished Gordok Business | Gloves |
![]() | Unfinished Gordok Business | Gloves |
East Wing Quest Rewards
Item | Quest | Slot |
![]() | Lethtendris's Web/Lethtendris's Web | Weapon |
![]() | Shards of the Felvine (Alliance-only) | Off-hand |
![]() | Shards of the Felvine (Alliance-only) | Off-hand |
West Wing Quest Rewards
Item | Quest | Slot |
![]() | The Treasure of the Shen'dralar | Helm |
![]() | The Treasure of the Shen'dralar | Weapon |
![]() | The Treasure of the Shen'dralar | Boots |
- 18 Nov. 2024: Page updated for Classic Anniversary.
- 10 Apr. 2024: Reviewed and updated guide.
- 27 Oct. 2019: Fixed Shards of the Felvine faction listing.
- 15 Oct. 2019: Page added.
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